Wellness Awaits You.
Your journey to wellness begins here. Call us today.
Welcome to Watts Chiropractic Clinic
Expect Miracles
Massage Therapy
Soothing and Relaxing - A massage is great for treating back pain and muscle development. At times, in particular situations Dr. Watts may recommend massage therapy. We work closely with our neighbor and friend Tanya Richards to provide our patients with the best possible therapy.
Recommendations and Reviews
“I have had a great relationship with the Watts Chiropractic Clinic. I have and would recommend them.”
— Tina T.
Been going to Dr. Watts for years upon years now & I highly recommend his clinic. Both my husband and I are very impressed with his dedication to healing and his ability to focus on your specific needs to achieve the best results. His staff is courteous and professional.
— Lisa F.
DR watts is very Professional and in tune with what I have to say. I came in with an arm and shoulder problem. these areas would fall asleep. After one adjustment I could feel the difference on the way home. I have had several adjustments after that and also noticed my head aches have gone away.
— Craig B.
Best in town. I came to DR. Watts after others failed to fix the issues with my neck. They provided relief for a couple days but that’s it. I’ve been with DR. Watt for probably 10 years now. You can choose him first or find him when others fail. Either way, if you’re in pain. Do yourself a favor and let him fix you.
— Shannon T.